Monday, 7 April 2008

Primal attendances.

New month and the start is not as I expected. Not a big problem tho but its regarding money. I have to get an affirmation from the doctors office that I'm not able to work for the next three moths to receive my insurance-money. And as usual the office have problem accommodating my request in time. The problem was that I requested this in January and it is April already and no document. Late the document was produced at last and that after I had made an ass of myself yelling at the staff at the doctors office. Sometimes It is hard to remain cool and I explode in a most unfortunate way. Anyway the battle was won and I had received the document.

I is hard to always stay humane and civilised when dealing with people how demands attention like animals in a herd.

Well that's that and the problem was not over there, no even the insurance company put up with a irritating manner. In this case the office staff had forgotten to pay my money this month, something about -" oo, I missed that one".

It's the end oft the month and I'm sitting at the kitchen-table. The bills on the table is waiting to be payed and I can hear in the distance my inner ape roar from the depths of my spinal-core.